

Prose_ Free Verse & Blank Verse

Prose: Free Verse & Blank Verse

The term free verse definition has arisen from the French word verse libre. Before getting into the sight of the free work, it is essential to know verse definition. The original verse definition was developed in Middle English that means a single line of poem. Therefore, as per the verse definition, a verse is a writing that has a specific rhythm to it or a particular section to the writing. A classic verse example is the verse poem.

Verse definition includes the division or the grouping of the words in a poetic composition, with groupings that are referred to as stanzas. In countless noun, verse definition refers to the poetry as contrasted to prose. Therefore, verse definition in terms of the poem is a stanza or a group of four lines in the poem. 

In another sense, according to the verse definition, the term verse is used negatively in contrast to the poetry, to propose work that is dull to be classed as poetry. There are a few verse definition that is relevant to the literature. Originally, a verse is referred to as a single line of poem. It also includes a grouping of words in a poem, for example, a stanza or an entire poem. 

Significance of Verse

The verse is used to refer to a single line and is the fundamental unit of the poetry and is the essential element of the poem. A verse in a poem has more importance than a single sentence in a novel as each line in the poem carries much weight to necessitate its presence. Its success is linked to the understanding of the verse and the reader. It is relatively easy to understand and has less restraint. This makes it easy for the poet and has fewer chances of entering into a dull, repetitive beat. 

Thus, the use of the verse in a piece of writing has a pleasing effect on the reader, and this is the reason that it is usually employed in writing. It helps the writer to project their ideas in the form of a composition having rhythm, rhyme, and deeper meaning. It also aids in providing a framework for the writer for poetry writing.

Type of Verse

There are generally two types of verses, which are free verse and blank verse.

Free Verse

Free verse poems do not have a specific meter. According to free verse definition and free verse poems, there is no rhyming scheme present, and also, the free verse poem does not follow a set pattern. For some poets, it acts as a handy tool for concealing their fluctuation in the thoughts. Many others think that it affects the quality of the work. Thus, it can be observed that in free verse that there is no form of rhymes scheme present in the free verse. Free verse is the least defined and is deliberately irregular for taking an improvisational bent. Thus an ideal free verse definition says that free verse does not follow any pattern and no formula. Therefore the reader and the writer should work together to set the speed, pitch, and emotional pull.

Thus, the free verse is defined as poetry that is independent of a regular meter or rhythm and does not have a rhyme in fixed forms. Still, free prose provides an artistic expression without rhythm and rhythm schemes. The poet can give a shape to the poem in whatever way he or she desires. Moreover, it still allows the poet to use rhyme, cadences, and rhythms to get the effect that the poet considers suitable for the piece.

Features of Free Verse 

Some of the main features in context to free verse definition are 

  • Free verse does have regular rhyme or meter.
  • Free verse does not follow a proper rhyme scheme, and also free verse does not have any set rules.  
  • Free verse is based on the normal pauses and natural rhythmic phrases.
  • It is also called verse libre, which means free verse.

The Function of Free Verse

According to free verse definition, free verse is generally used in contemporary poetry. Many poets have adopted this technique; it changes people’s minds. The best thing in free verse is that the poets can choose and imagine the forms of any sounds through intonations. Free verse aids in giving greater freedom to the poet for choosing words, and in conveying the meanings to the audience. As free verse is dependent upon patterned elements like sounds, sentences, phrases, and words, it is, therefore, free of a typical poetic expression.

Thus, the free verse is an open forum of the poetry which arose from the French verse libre form. Free verse does not use the consistent meter, rhyme, or musical patterns and tends to follow just the natural speech. Therefore some poets find it liberating, which could help in imaginatively changing the reader’s mind, while some feel that one could not present classical prose in such manner. An example of free verse poems is as follows.

Free verse poems:

The fog comes

On little cat feet.

It sits looking 

Over harbor and city

On silent haunches 

And then moves on.

–Carl Sandburg

Tips to Write a Free Verse Poems

There are no rules when writing a free verse poem. There can be many poetic forms, and free verse poems are one of the poetic styles. Free verse poems have no structure when talking in terms of structure or rhyming. Some tips, to write free verse poems are:

Tips to Write a Free Verse Poems

What is it: A free verse poem does not follow any guidelines. Thus while writing free verse poems, one can let the thoughts run free so that the page reads like a story or a conversation.

Type of pattern: As free verse, poems are free from any pre-specified set of structures, so the choice is all of the writers to make the poem great without rhyming. 

How does it start: The first and foremost thing is to settle on the theme that the writer wants to write about. One needs to set the scene in mind and start from there. Writing down the keywords that relate to the story. As in free verse poems, the words need not rhyme or match, so the writer is free to incorporate the words as per the wish and that relate to the story.

Using five senses: For presenting classic free verse poems, the writer should focus on incorporating the five senses into the poem. Using imagery and descriptive language will help the audience to understand the scene or the emotions that the free-verse poem talks about.

Test it and launch online: The writer should share their free verse poem on websites like PowerPoetry. Org, Facebook, and other similar social sites so that everyone can have access to read the free-verse poems. 

Blank Verse

No rhyming effect is also present in a blank verse poem. Blank verse is generally employed for presenting passionate events, and to influence and create an impact on the readers. Blank verse can be seen in Shakespeare’s works, as Shakespeare was an ardent user of the blank verse. It has been noted that the most common and influential form of English poetry, and most of the poems are being written in blank verse form.

Blank Verse Poem:

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,

Creeps in the petty pace from day to day,

To the last syllable of recorded time;

And all our yesterdays have lighted fools

The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!

Life’s but walking shadow, a poor player

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage

And then heard no more: it is a tale

Told by idiot full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.

–Excerpt from Macbeth

The Function of Blank Verse

In the context of blank verse definition, it is widely employed as an essential medium in English dramatic poetry and the prose. As per blank verse definition, it is similar to normal speech but can be written in a variety of patterns. The intention is to produce a rhythmical pattern that creates a musical pattern that tends to capture the attention of the readers and the listeners.

Features of Blank Verse

Features of Blank Verse

  • The blank verse does have any fixed number of lines.
  • Blank verse has a conventional meter that is used in narrative poems and verse drama.
  • Blank verse is often used in descriptive and dramatic monologues.
  • Blank verse is commonly used in poems in which a single character delivers the thoughts in the form of the speech.
  • Blank verse can be composed in any type of meter.
Rhyming Verse

The rhyming verse consists of poems with any number of verses that are written in a manner that they rhyme with each other according to the set meter. Couplets and quatrain are some of the common forms of poetry that consist of the rhyming verses. Therefore, a couple consists of two rhyming verses, whereas in tercet and quatrain, rhyming is not mandatory.


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