What is Desciptive Essay
A desciptive essay helps in providing an idea about the mood and impressions to the readers. Desciptive essay examples provide all possible sensory details. Perfect desciptive essay examples include sensory information like sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste that helps the reader to see the same picture which the writer has in his or her mind. One should also keep in mind while writing desciptive essay examples to avoid the same pattern in the sentence. Desciptive essay examples should use figurative and favorable language with a sentence having smooth transitions and avoiding general words. Moreover, perfect desciptive essay examples should be clear and not vague. Therefore, desciptive essay examples should describe something using sensory information and creating a picture in the reader’s mind.
Steps in Writing Desciptive Essay Examples
Choosing desciptive essay topics: The very first step to present excellent desciptive essay examples is to select proper desciptive essay topics that focus on a single event, a location, an item, or a person. Therefore, it is the most important element to convey the idea about desciptive essay topics through the explanation in connection to desciptive essay topics. It should indicate the reader what the writer wants to illustrate. Desciptive essay topics and the content in the essay need to be structured in a manner that both are aligned with each other. Therefore, one needs to write the paragraphs in a sequential order that is aligned with desciptive essay topics.
Moreover, the introductory paragraph sets the tone for the desciptive essay; therefore, it becomes necessary to set out all the main ideas that one wants to cover in the essay. Thus, one should carefully choose desciptive essay topics, which is the first step in writing a desciptive essay. One can take desciptive essay help from the service providers who could assist in choosing desciptive essay topics and further elaborating it.
Creating a thesis statement: The next step after choosing desciptive essay topics is creating a thesis statement. A thesis statement is a single idea that is prominent throughout the desciptive essay examples. It not only forms the purpose of the essay but also aids in regulating the way that the information is presented correctly while writing ideal desciptive essay examples. Thus, it helps in setting out the topic framework.
Get the senses right: The next step is desciptive essay structuring. Drawing columns on a sheet of paper with each having a different of five senses. This structure would help in sorting out the thoughts and describing the desciptive essay topics. Based on the sight, touch, smell, and sound related to desciptive essay topics can be sketched out from the columns. Listing out from the columns, any sensation or feeling that one associate with desciptive essay topics would help in supporting the thesis. One can use these tools to support the thesis. Desciptive essay topics should be set out in each separate paragraph, and a topic sentence related to desciptive essay topics should be e the first line of the paragraph. The first line of the paragraph related to desciptive essay topics should have a transition aligning with the introductory paragraph and the thesis statement.
Creating an outline: After deciding on desciptive essay topics is creating a thesis statement. One should create a framework that lists the details of the discussion of each paragraph. Generally, a desciptive essay consists of a five-paragraph essay that has an introductory paragraph, including the thesis statement followed by a body paragraph that proves the statements and a concluding paragraph.
The introductory paragraph serves to introduce the subject to the readers and give the readers a context to understand the essay fully. Also, one should keep in mind to keep it brief and appealing to the readers. Therefore, when writing an introductory paragraph after deciding desciptive essay topics, one should keep in mind to include:
Hook sentence: An ideal desciptive essay examples should be full of vivid descriptions and exciting experiences that help in grabbing the reader’s attention from the very beginning.
Contact or background information: Ideal desciptive essay examples should let the readers know about what the individual is about to describe and why it is crucial to explain.
Thesis statement: A desciptive essay thesis statement is usually short and concise. It provides a summary of the essay, including the subject of description and the purpose of describing it. The thesis statement of a desciptive essay could be based on place, person, or motion, which is the essence of a desciptive essay.
Body paragraph: There are three body paragraphs in ideal desciptive essay examples that cover three different points of arguments. Therefore, presenting excellent desciptive essay examples, body paragraphs should start with the topic sentence having sensory details based on desciptive essay topics. The transition of the sentence should be of primary importance as it creates immersion within the writing.
Concluding paragraph: The concluding section is the reflection of the whole essay; therefore, to reflect should be the initial purpose of the concluding paragraph. Also, one should signify the importance of key moments of the essay that one has covered and should also prepare the audience for a clincher statement. It is the final sentence that reinforces or leaves the audience with a thought quotation or question.
Review the essay: From the initial step of choosing desciptive essay topics to write the conclusion of the essay, reviewing is yet another essential element to deliver an impeccable essay. One should take a look and should seek whether it is easily understandable or not. If it seems to be confusing or needs a better explanation, one should try to rewrite it. One should use the words and language that conveys ideas about particular desciptive essay topics. The essay should be written in such a way that it gives the reader enough information to understand the complete picture. One should read the entire essay over again to identify any issues that need to be worked upon. One can also ask the family or friends to read the desciptive essay and give any criticism or questions that need to be clarified or should be detailed in the assigned desciptive essay. Some of the questions that one needs to ask oneself after the final draft when reviewing are:
- Has one provided enough context in the introduction?
- Is the paper easy to read and understandable?
- Is the thesis correlating with the content of the paper and desciptive essay topics?
- Does the paper feature vivid, desciptive language?
- Will the clincher statement leave a lasting impact?
- If the writer were the reader, would the essay make sense to that individual?
- Are there any problems with grammar and punctuation?
- One can take the help of software like Grammarly or Hemingway applications to check for any mistakes and sort them out.
Finish it up: Checking for any grammatical punctuation and spelling errors that are obvious within any essay. Also, one should ensure to check for any clichés and should get rid of them. Also, one should ensure that if any part does not seem to be wholly desciptive or does not make any sense should be written once again, and the process of the proofreading should be done once again.
Tips for Desciptive Essay Structuring
Comparing a few desciptive essay topics and choosing the subject of description accordingly. One should look for interesting things, a person or place, or some memorable experience of an individual. Also, one should avoid vague language and try using powerful words that foster in describing all the specific details.
- One should also try to find the relevant sources to the desciptive essay topics.
- Taking time to brainstorm.
- One should also use enough metaphors, idioms, clichés, etc.
- One should also move from specific to general, having a smooth transition between the paragraphs.
- The strongest accent should be present when describing the subject and the observation details.
- Leaving the readers with a clear impression by evoking a sense of familiarity and appreciation in the reader’s mind.
- Striving to present logical and organized descriptions with a convincing sense.
To present a compelling and impeccable desciptive essay, one should adhere to the following guidelines. Therefore desciptive essay helps in providing a vivid picture that is more effective than presenting facts and the examples. Therefore, one should ensure to make the readers imagine and feel and should try to engage them by providing them with a complete perception. An ideal desciptive essay example should be such that it facilitates in creating a whole picture in mind by illustrating the essential details to elicit all senses. It, therefore, helps in bringing the subject to life, thus helping one to present an essay that leads to creating a long-lasting impression.