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Nursing Research Topics

Nursing Research 

Researching nursing research topics is complex.  Before answering nursing research questions, it is important to know what does research means. Therefore, research is an integral part of the growth of any profession, be it nursing research articles or nursing articles. Answering nursing research questions, nursing research articles, or nursing articles is a systematic inquiry to the answer. It answers the nursing research questions or problems that are encountered in the clinical practice administration or education.

Importance of Nursing Articles or Nursing Research Articles

Answering nursing research questions, nursing articles, or nursing research articles has great importance in the profession of nursing as it provides strong evidence that helps the nurses to make sound clinical judgment and decisions in the clinical setting. Answering the nursing research questions in the context of nursing articles or nursing research articles facilitates providing evidence-based nursing care to the patient that would be appropriate and cost-effective. Also, responding to nursing research questions related to nursing articles and nursing research articles aids in elevating the standards and the reputation of the nursing profession. Also, countering nursing research questions in the context of nursing articles or nursing research articles it contributes to aiding the knowledge that will help in increasing the subject matter and the essential facts in the related discipline.

In the context of what does nursing research questions, nursing articles or nursing research articles serve, it facilitates in forming a research question and plan how the problem can be investigated, including the process of data collection analysis and interpretation. Before answering nursing research questions, one should have clarity about the paradigm that would help in structure in the inquiry and stating the stands on which the nursing articles or nursing research articles are based. In the context of nursing research questions, they are based upon the positivist paradigm and naturalistic paradigm. Qualitative and quantitative are the two research methods in the context of nursing research questions that are used in the nursing study and writing nursing research articles or nursing articles. The quantitative method is a formal and systematic process in which numerical data is obtained in the qualitative method of systematic and subjective approach is used that describes life experiences. Both of the methods are important to provide an answer to nursing research questions and form a basis for nursing articles or nursing research articles.

Writing Nursing Topics

Writing nursing research topics, at times, becomes difficult. Writing nursing research topics is a complex process. As one begins to look for the articles on the initial topic, the research idea may evolve, resulting in ideal nursing research topics. While searching for nursing research topics or the nursing articles or nursing research articles, one should always look for nursing research topics that interest them the most. An ideal approach to look for nursing research topics are as follows:

Ideal approach for Writing Nursing Topics

  • One can write down one or two specific issues that interest one the most in the related discipline. Examples of nursing research topics can be mental health, nursing, etc.
  • In case, one is not working in the healthcare field still some disease or condition that interests one the most thorough family, friends or personal experience or any disease in the heredity that interest one the most can be an ideal nursing research topics for nursing articles or nursing research articles. One can write on the disease, and the primary prevention methods that could be employed to reduce the risk of developing it can be written in nursing articles or nursing research articles.
  • Nursing research topics can be based on a particular health issue that one is interested in the most and has drawn one to the medical field or profession.
  • Also, nursing research topics can be based on recent news, articles about health issues that interest the most, like coronavirus or COVID 2019.
  • Many can also look for nursing research topics from nursing articles or nursing research articles or from the textbooks.
  • The nursing research topics can also be based on aspects of the problems within the healthcare management.
  • At times, controversial issues are interesting to explore for nursing research topics in the context of nursing articles or nursing research articles like the legal implications of cloning human beings.

Once the nursing research topics are jotted down, one should conduct a preliminary literature search all the information from various sources. One should also look for the research that has already been done to narrow the topic and be more specific.

Narrowing Down the Nursing Research Topics

Once conducting a review of the topic, one should discover what is already known in existing nursing articles or nursing research articles. The nursing research question is most likely to be derived from the recent literature. Answering the nursing research question of what remains to be known and what implications for future research helps in narrowing down the topic.

Therefore, one can choose to decide on qualitative or quantitative nursing research topics. Quantitative nursing research topics consist of numbers and figures. Quantitative nursing research topics aid in providing statistical data and interpret it for defending the thesis statement on how to find a solution to the existing problem.

Types of Writing Nursing Articles

Nursing articles include academic papers, narratives, and professional compositions. In the context of nursing articles or nursing research articles, one should familiarize themselves with the five major forms. Moreover, there are commonalities between all types of nursing essays. However, every nursing article requires a distinct skill to achieve a specific result.

Types of Writing Nursing ArticlesNarrative: Narrative essay conveys a story from writer’s point of view, having a beginning, body, and conclusion. Such types of essays focus on the personal narrative, which may also compose narratives during the introduction to writing courses. Therefore such type should have a clear purpose and focuses on a particular subject matter. The writers may use the first person, I.

Expository: This is one of the most common academic research writing form, which usually follows a basic five-paragraph structure. The first part of the introduction provides the general idea along with a thesis statement. The next three paragraphs are the body part in which the first sentence is related to the topic that the paragraph will focus on. It consists of statements along with supporting arguments and facts to provide credibility to it. Concluding paragraph, the last section summarizes the whole nursing article in an impressive manner.

Therefore, expository articles feature a clear structure, logical and sequential transitions between the paragraphs, along with providing ample evidence to reinforce the claim.

Persuasive: These are sometimes confused with the expository form, but such kind of nursing articles seek to convince the reader to embrace a certain viewpoint of all of the particular action. Just like any other research article, the writer needs to focus on clear arguments with logical transitions and a robust overall structure.

Comparative: Such type of nursing research articles compare and contrast items. In such type, the writer value theories, events, text, or opinions and offer an impartial analysis by providing an argument for the superiority of one side.

Cause and effect: Such type of nursing articles focuses on a particular subject or advocate for a specific position. The writer should impartially discuss the cause and the evident effect. Just like any other nursing articles, one should also have a clear and strong thesis that helps in providing a solid foundation. Also, there should be logical transitions and a proper structure of the body paragraph that helps in describing each cause and its collateral effect.

Citation is necessary that is to be included in nursing research articles as they are a source of a particular piece of information and helps in avoiding plagiarism for stealing another person’s ideas research or analysis.

Writing Resources Furnishing Articles

True down Purdue owl:  Purdue University online writing lab provider comprehensive grammar guide along with writing guides for professional nurses, APA workshops, and database research tools.

All nurses: All nurses site contains information for every individual in the field of Nursing. All nurses provide information from the student to the seasoned professionals who are looking to advance in the nursing or the related career.

Easybib: It is an easy way of providing a citation. It is a citation generator that helps to generate a specific format as one wants after providing the required information.

APA Style Central: APA Style Central helps in learning different styles and the use of the citation system. Also, one can access writing guides, infographic, and outside interactive tutorials which are conducting original research and want to publish their findings in nursing articles.

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