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Overpopulation Essay

All about Overpopulation Essay

Overpopulation essay or essay on overpopulation talks about an undesirable condition. In the overpopulation essay, the count of the existing human population exceeds the earth’s carrying capacity. Overpopulation essay or essay on overpopulation further states that over population is caused by a number of factors like reduced mortality rates, depletion of resources, the advancement of medical facilities, etc. Therefore, with the increase in the human population due to significant advancements in medicine, science and education have adversely affected society and the planet. When writing an essay on overpopulation or overpopulation essay, one should focus on the changes that have been brought about. In the 20th century, the population in the world almost quadrupled. Moreover, it is predicted that by the year 2100, the population will reach 12 billion.

Many countries of the globe are presently experiencing problems that are caused by rapidly growing populations. Therefore, it is the duty of both individuals and the government to find ways to overcome these problems. When writing on overpopulation essay or essay on overpopulation, one should also mention the effects like overcrowding or poor quality housing, in many large cities. Another cause for over population is advancement in technology that has been very dynamic and has affected humanity in various faces. One of the determinants that have led to the over population is the ability to save lives and provide better medical treatment.

The result is that it has increased the life span and the growth of the population as well. During the last 50 years, the population has grown and turned into over population. It has been observed that there has always been a balance in the history of a species in the context of birth and death that has led to maintaining the population growth rate. After the Bubonic Plague in 1400, there was a constant increase in the population. Even after so many natural calamities, battles, wars, none of it has made a dent on the population. Most of the problems of over population are in developing countries rather than in developed countries.

Thus, of all the environmental challenges, over population is one of the most prominent challenges that may lead to creating demands of resources and land, leading to widespread environmental issues. Moreover, it impacts the standard of living and global economies. Therefore, to present an ideal overpopulation essay or essay on over population, one should understand the cause and effects of overpopulation.


When writing an essay on overpopulation or overpopulation essay, one should mention the causes, which have led to overpopulation. Therefore, to cover the causes of overpopulation, one should include the following factors when writing an essay on overpopulation or population essay:

Poverty: It is one of the most notable causes that one should include while writing overpopulation essay or essay on overpopulation. It is seen to be one of the leading causes of over population. Due to high birth rates, lack of educational resources has resulted in over population.

Falling mortality rate due to advanced technology: One should also focus on these aspects when writing an essay on overpopulation or population essay. The industrial revolution brought about a change in the world of medicine. Scientific progress allowed us to overcome diseases that previously could only end in death. The invention of antibiotics and vaccines has led to a falling mortality rate and has become a key factor in unfettered population growth. With falling mortality rate and births increasing, it has resulted in the over population.

Progress in food production: One should also mention this factor while writing an essay on overpopulation or overpopulation essay. The increased and advanced scientific research and technological improvement have led to efficient agricultural production with year-round crops, more resistance, better pesticides, and fertilizers, etc. Improvements in livestock and fishing methods have also contributed to providing more food, which is one of the factors that has led to over population.

Migration and urban concentration: This factor should also be included in the essay on overpopulation or overpopulation essay. The accumulation and migration of population in cities do not only lead to demographic growth but also in the generation of wealth. Therefore, half of the global population lives in urban areas and expected to grow continuously until they reach a major portion of the population.

Poor contraceptive use: Even with the availability of contraceptives in developing countries, poor planning by both partners has been one of the most prominent causes that have led to over population. Moreover, it has also been observed that in countries that are facing issues like poverty, there are higher birth rates.

Child labor:  Child labor is a practice that is used extensively in many parts of the world. It is estimated that 150 million children are working primarily in the countries which have weak child labor laws. People see children as a source of income. Moreover, children begin to work at a younger age and do not have educational opportunities, which should be granted, especially when it comes to birth control.

Fertility treatment: Another point that should be mentioned while writing an essay on overpopulation or overpopulation essay is fertility treatment. It plays a major role in comparison to other causes of overpopulation. It improves fertility treatments, which has been on the rise since its inception and has made the option of conceiving children easier. It can be seen as one of the factors of the rapid growth of the population.

Lack of family planning: Developing nations have a large number of illiterate people who do not know about family planning. People get married at a very early age and the chances of producing more kids increases. Moreover, such people are unable to understand the effects of overpopulation, and also due to a lack of quality education, they ignore family planning measures.

Effects of Overpopulation

Every element on the planet coexist and are co-dependent. If an area is unbalanced, it has an effect on others, which may have adverse consequences. Thus, over population affect:

Effects of OverpopulationEffects of overpopulation on the environment: With the population expanding and people taking more space leading to urban areas expansion, there is a loss of natural resources every year. With the growing population or over population, forests are being cut down to provide wood to the increasing population. Deforestation also results in the extinction of plants and animals, which can contain a cure for disease and other advantages. Desertification is not only restricted to arid regions. The prominent cause of soil degradation is overgrazing, waterlogging, salinization over-cultivation, and deforestation. Therefore, it has resulted in a reduction in crop production, environmental deterioration, flooding of low lying lands, and the capacity to support human life has also been reduced. The core of all these problems is over population.

Depletion of natural resources: It is another one of the key effects of overpopulation, which is quite severe. As the earth can produce only a limited amount of resources, it is falling short of the current needs due to overpopulation. One should also focus, when writing on overpopulation essays or essay on overpopulation, on the depletion of natural resources that are creating a number of problems. Moreover, it is evident that the act of violence and aggression has increased tremendously due to the limited availability of resources.

Degradation of the environment: Additional effects of overpopulation is with the overuse of oil, natural gas, and coal. It has started having some serious effects on the environment. The increase in the number of vehicles and industries has affected the quality of air adversely. An increasing amount of CO2 emissions leads to global warming. Changing climate patterns, melting of polar ice caps, and rising sea levels are some of the consequences that one should mention when writing an essay on overpopulation or overpopulation essay that the world is facing due to environmental pollution.

Conflict and wars: One of the critical effects of overpopulation, which one should mention while writing overpopulation essay or essay on population, is conflicts and war between developing countries. The overpopulation in developing countries exerts major strain on the resources and are becoming a source of tension among nations which may result in wars. Starvation is among the key effects of overpopulation that the world is currently facing. Poverty is another biggest effects of overpopulation. All these factors may worsen if solutions are not sought out.

Rise in unemployment: Prominent effects of overpopulation are when a country becomes overpopulated, resulting in unemployment as there are fewer jobs. Unemployment as one of the effects of overpopulation gives rise to crime due to individuals looking to provide basic amenities of life to their families.

The high cost of living:  Key effects  of overpopulation are related to the difference between demand and supply, which continues to expand due to overpopulation. Increasing demand results in increasing the prices of commodities like food shelter and healthcare, and therefore the people have to pay more in order to survive and feed their families.

Resource consumption: Key effects of overpopulation are related to the population growth and extensive consumption of the resources to keep so many people alive. Water, fossil fuels, and food are being consumed at record rates, thereby placing greater demands on producers. In the other half of the 20th century, the world’s ecosystem had changed drastically due to the increased use of these resources.

Thus, to overcome the effects of overpopulation, one should focus on, when writing on population essay or essay on overpopulation, the solutions of over population. Providing better education, making people aware of family planning, knowledge of sex education, and benefits of concession are some of the solutions which one should include when writing an essay on overpopulation on overpopulation essay.

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